Rescue Me! Cocker Spaniel Cocker Spaniel Blog

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 10,198 Cocker Spaniel Dogs have been adopted!   Email Me New  Postings

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Success Stories:   Rescue Me! Cocker Spaniel Blog

1,349,291 animals have been adopted on Rescue Me!

Letters below were sent to founder Jeff Gold from people helped by Rescue Me!

Sender: Angeline Birkle     Date: October 1, 2018 _
     It took a little bit but my older dog found a great forever home with a loving family. I am so happy for him and so grateful to his new owners. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Stephen Woolf     Date: May 5, 2018 _
     I had two 'pitch black' Cocker Spaniels for five years. The older one which I rescued, about five at the time was not spayed (supposed to be and was told she was). Well, to cut a long story short, she had an unexpected litter of ten perfect Cocker pups. We gave all away except for the last one which I kept one. Mother Shadow and daughter BB became very attached to each other. (BB short for Black Beauty) They are both very loving and gentle. I specified in the adoption that they had to be adopted together and could not be separated. That is a 'tall order'. Its hard enough to adopt an older dog let alone two. Well, I received an email from a wonderful retired couple who live about 50 miles away. We talked on the phone and I told them about Shadow and BB. They came to visit soon after for a few hours and fell in love with them. I gave them all their medical info and food and off they went to a wonderful new life together. Since then, couple have been in touch with videos and photos of them and they look wonderful and happy. They said their house is now complete. They lost their black Cocker to old age last year. Every one warned me not to try and adopt them. Said it was cruel. Now that they have seen how I went about the adoption, and how it turned out they have all changed their minds. They are now impressed and tell me that could not have done it a better way and that my late wife would be proud of me. I could not be happier with the outcome. I am very grateful that 'Rescue Me' is there to help and make a difficult life choice a wonderful experience. Thank you, -Steve

Sender: Jody Comerford     Date: October 2, 2017 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! I live in Indiana a woman from Florida called and wanted Scooter. Her black cocker had just passed. She was coming to Indiana to see her son. About 12 days after her first contact and after I'd checked with her vet, Scooter flew to Florida to his new, forever home. God bless these people for taking and loving Scooter.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Alicia Verdugo     Date: April 11, 2017 _
     Thank you so much, Rescue Me! Eddie and Chester are adopted.

Sender: Cindy La Marr     Date: December 15, 2016 _
     This is such a sweet dog. Her new name is Charlie. She left her former life behind. Thank you, Rescue Me! I wish there was a before and after spot to post photos.

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Sender: Diane Dove     Date: August 15, 2016 _
     Shyene and her buddy, Docker, were adopted together by a couple who saw their Rescue Me post. They love their new family, and we're so happy they could stay together. Thanks.

Sender: Cheryl Smith     Date: August 3, 2016 _
     Pal was successfully adopted through Rescue Me within a few days of me posting! Thank you so much for your service and the help provided in finding a loving home for our beloved Pal!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Karen Nelson     Date: June 13, 2016 _
     We watched Rescue Me for a Cocker Spaniel for a while. Our 14 year old Macy had passed away and left eight year old Zoe pretty lonely. When I saw Buffy on the site, I immediately called about her. Buffy is a great addition to our family and Zoe is pleased to have a companion. We are thrilled to have her and her previous owner appreciates knowing she will be well loved and cared for. Thank you, Rescue Me, for our new family member. Our adoption fee was a donation to your organization- what a kind statement of our appreciation.

Sender: Twila James     Date: December 25, 2015 _
     I adopted Canelo this past Tuesday. He is eight years old. He minds perfectly. I love him and consider myself so very lucky to have such a good, older dog. He will see the vet next week for a checkup. Thank you so much, Rescue Me.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Susan Giusto     Date: December 13, 2015 _
     Ginger and George found a new home with a lovely couple who will take great care of them. The best news is they will be together as they were when we adopted them. They will have a large, fenced yard and plenty of love. Thank you for Rescue Me; it's a great service to all of us dog lovers.

Sender: April Whalen     Date: December 3, 2015 _
     Baxter was adopted tonight by a sweet family with another dog to show this pup the ropes! Rescue Me yielded approximately one to two responses daily while he was posted.

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Sender: Priscilla Connolly     Date: November 28, 2015 _
     Sarah came to us from a lovely, caring family. Our elderly mother had just lost her lap dog and was very sad. The owners of Sarah are amazing people who realized she would get more attention with us. This has been a blessing for everyone (I hope!). We are grateful to everyone involved is facilitating this connection. Sarah's adoption has brought joy into our lives. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Karen Roush     Date: October 10, 2015 _
     DeeDee and Libby found their forever home. Their new mom, Avery, had recently lost her beloved cocker spaniel, but didn't feel ready to get another dog until she saw their photo. She fell in love. She never thought about getting two dogs, but knew when she met them that they were bonded and needed to stay together. Now the three of them are totally bonded, and ready to spend life together. I couldn't be happier for these sweet girls... All three of them! Thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Steve Schillereff     Date: September 21, 2015 _
     I posted Wookie for adoption, and was contacted by a super family within hours. They picked him up this past weekend, and all seems to be going great. Thank you, Rescue Me, for this great free service!!!

Sender: Anthony Da Silva     Date: May 12, 2015 _
     A huge thank you to Rescue Me for helping me find a loving home for Bailey, your assistance is greatly appreciated and words cannot express my gratitude. I was put into an unfortunate situation by having to lose my dog and at least I know she is in an awesome home. Regards, Anthony

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: David Brieger     Date: April 28, 2015 _
     Adopting Andy has been a dream for me. He has been so amazing, friendly, happy, playful, most cuddling, companion. He is everything to me even now, only after a week. He loves road trips, took him to meet the rest of my family and they totally adore Andy. He gets along with her cats, he also gets along with other dogs well. He listens, he sits, he shakes hands (for treats of course). He now has his forever home with me and is loved so much! Thank you, Rescue Me, for everything.

Sender: Tracey Applin     Date: April 12, 2015 _
     Greetings All! Kudos to Rescue Me! Although I hated to give my family member of 10 years up, it was time and I'm most certain he found the second to best home. (Smile.) I posted Sancho on Friday and started receiving calls and emails within the hour. Today is Sunday and he is with his new family. The great thing I love about it is Yvonne and her family said we can visit him sometimes and she will send pictures. I want to call now to see how he's doing but... Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Rescue Me rocks! So grateful for your wonderful site and will definitely tell others about it.

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Sender: John Waite     Date: April 10, 2015 _
     She was rescued. Thank you, Rescue Me, for your site

Sender: Ellen Grieser     Date: April 10, 2015 _
     Thank you so much for this service. Becky is in her new forever home with us and doing great! I can't say enough about this wonderful service that put me in touch with John and his mother's cocker spaniel. A quick ride, John provided great background information and suggestions for helping Becky re-home. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Zoey Day     Date: December 20, 2014 _
     Everything went well with the adoption and I am happy that Zoey is in a good and happy home. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Mayta Johnson     Date: December 14, 2014 _
     I am so happy! Rocky will be living as an only baby and traveling with his new family. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Jeanne Brown     Date: December 11, 2014 _
     Thank you, Rescue Me! I posted my senior foster dog Abby and I received an inquiry the very next day. Abby went to meet her new family and they fell in love with her. She is now adopted and in her new home.

Sender: Remeka Levert     Date: November 29, 2014 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me website, I was able to find Maestro a new home within two weeks after posting. Maestro went to a nice family, which made me feel at ease. He will get the attention he needs and deserves. Thanks so much for this website.

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Sender: Kimberly Dunkentell     Date: November 28, 2014 _
     I found a good home for my furry little man. Thank you, Rescue Me.

Sender: Irene Almeida     Date: November 10, 2014 _
     Lucky was adopted by a loving family that found him on Rescue Me. We spoke with all the family members, contacted their vet for a recommendation and found that they were the absolutely perfect family for Lucky.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Lisa Boyer De La Giroday     Date: November 10, 2014 _
     My 12 Year old female, Sally, was adopted by an amazing family. They love her and send me updates regularly. Then, my 15 year old male was pining for Sally and they took him too. I'm so happy and feel relieved that Rescue Me was around. My living circumstances changed and it broke my heart to look for homes for my doggies, but they are even happier now.

Sender: Harry Greene     Date: October 17, 2014 _
     After losing my best friend, a cocker spaniel mix, to old age, I put off looking for another companion until I found the picture of Tripp on the Rescue Me website. I arranged to meet the owner. My wife and I took to Tripp like he was ours from the start. Tripp is happy in his new home and is a great companion and friend to our family. Our little girl fell in love with him when she came home from school. Tripp will definitely be a great addition to our home. Thanks, Rescue Me, as your service is a blessing.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Stephanie Rouse     Date: October 9, 2014 _
     It was necessary for me to put my dog up for adoption because I found my kids are allergic. I had to choose between my children suffering with allergies and our dog. Knowingly, I choose my kids, but our dog is like a child to me also. This was very hard for me and my boys. This dog has been a part of our family since he was a puppy. This nice lady contacted me through Rescue Me after I posted him. She has a son who had two dogs they lost, one due to age and the other medical issues. Even though we won't have Princeton anymore, we will know that he is happy and loved by his new family. We will miss Princeton very much.

Sender: Melody Jamison     Date: August 19, 2014 _
     Thank you so much, Rescue Me. Milo was rescued today by a wonderful family. He will have so much more than I could give him. He will be well taken care of thanks to you for having this free rescue site for all animals to have a chance to live with families that want them.

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Sender: Pam White     Date: August 9, 2014 _
     I was fostering Daisy because her owner died. Had no luck locally so I posted on Rescue Me and WOW. She had a new home in less than 10 hours and four other people would have taken her over the next two days. Rescue Me is wonderful, thanks!

Sender: Peter Levy     Date: July 28, 2014 _
     Twelve years ago, my Cocker Spaniel passed and I was hesitant to get another one. I saw Molly and her sister Emma on Rescue Me and I decided right then I wanted these girls. They came home Friday and I spent the weekend with them. Sunday night my granddaughter came over and I was not sure how Emma would take to her. Emma walked up to her and kissed her. They have been a lot of fun this weekend. While I'm at work, my wife will be working with them. Molly has one bad habit. She wants to sleep on the bed with my wife and me, but my wife is not too keen on that idea since she just put new linen on the bed. So Molly sleeps at the foot of the bed and Emma sleeps under the bed. Two great dogs. Thank-you Kathy and Rescue Me for adding some happiness to my life.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Susan Bratsch     Date: July 13, 2014 _
     Molly was a six year old Cocker that needed a new home dew to the fact that her owner was in and out of the hospital and could no longer take care of her. She is a dog that loves to be around kids and we didn't have that for her anymore. I was told about the Rescue Me site. So I set up a profile for Molly and that same day she was adopted by a wonderful family with two young kids. I am sure she will be happy, loved and taken care of.

Sender: Joanna Beatty     Date: June 14, 2014 _
     Rescue Me was so easy to use. It was easy to set up our posting and we received numerous inquiries within a few weeks. Our dog was happily adopted to a new home. Thank you, Rescue Me!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Jennifer West     Date: June 8, 2014 _
     I am so excited that I found Rescue Me! After less than 24 hours of our posting, we found the PERFECT home for our Honey Bunny. We are so excited that she will be able to be loved and cared for and welcomed into a new family.

Sender: Deborah Mullen     Date: May 4, 2014 _
     Jeff, I was able to find the perfect home for my little bear, Jakey, because of Rescue Me! I believe that I found your site, and then posted my request in search of a new family for Jakey when I did, because the perfect family was on the other end just waiting for him. Having to make the decision to find Jakey a new home and saying goodbye was (and still is) very saddening, but knowing where he is, the family he is with, and the fact that he will forever get all that he deserves within his new family, is a cherished gift. It is a gift that I would not have had without Rescue Me! Thank you for connecting me with Jakey's beautiful new family! Blessings, Debbie

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Sender: Amy Doezema     Date: April 8, 2014 _
     We had to find Max another home after his aggression toward my daughters became unsafe. He is truly a loving, wonderful dog, but our household was too much for him. He was adopted by a couple who had two other smaller dogs. He loves being in a pack and loves his new owners. He is happy and well taken care of, so we could not be more thrilled with his new home. We may even get to visit with him occasionally, which makes it extra comforting. Thanks to Rescue Me, our dog was saved from possible euthanasia. Praise God!

Sender: Karen Guseman     Date: March 26, 2014 _
     Dear Jeff, Your Rescue Me program is very successful. I needed to find a home for a Cocker Spaniel that was in dire need of vet care and a loving home. One of your gracious members contacted me and went above and beyond to give this little girl the vet care and the home she needed. Her new owner Sandra has a love for animals like I have never seen. The posting was up and I received emails immediately after the posting was listed. I will use this site in the future to help more rescue dogs. Making the posting was very simple. I am very proud that Rescue Me exists. Karen Guseman

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Katie Mosher     Date: March 16, 2014 _
     My beautiful dog Bentley was adopted. He went to a wonderful family which we are so grateful for. We wish his new family all the best. And we are so grateful for Rescue Me's Cocker Spaniel Rescue. We plan on making a donation to the rescue, thank you so much!

Sender: Paul Zolotor     Date: February 10, 2014 _
     Woobie was adopted by a couple.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Carmen Garrett     Date: November 18, 2013 _
     Accidentally happened upon the Rescue Me! website and there was Rusty's sweet little face. We went to his owner's home to visit Rusty and knew immediately we were meant to be his new family. There was an instant connection of the heart. He was right at home from the moment we brought him home and fits in perfectly with our family. Thanks to Rescue Me! and thanks to the Pena family. You have made us very happy!

Sender: Ralph H     Date: November 18, 2013 _
     Thank you so much for having Rescue Me!, it has been only a few days and I was able to find the nicest couple to adopt Rusty. I know he is in very good hands, and he will be well taken care of. Thanks so much! God Bless, Ralph

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Sender: Alana Wilson     Date: November 15, 2013 _
     Within one week of posting on Rescue Me!, I found the perfect, loving home for my dog. I had a lot of anxiety over finding a wonderful family for my pooch, as I couldn't take him overseas with me. I received wonderful emails from prospective adopters. I am so grateful for this service, and am so happy with how things turned out. Thank you!

Sender: Darla Testa     Date: October 22, 2013 _
     Lucky has been adopted by a loving family. It was very hard to give him up. His new family keeps in touch to let us know how he's doing. I'm so grateful for your help in finding them.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Eric Schmidt     Date: October 10, 2013 _
     A very nice family adopted Daisy. Though we have had moments of sadness, we are happy she is with a loving family.

Sender: Robert Laskovas     Date: September 10, 2013 _
     Hello, Bruzer has a new home and a loving family. That was possible because of Rescue Me! Thank you very much for what you do. Robert

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Lesley Burgess     Date: September 9, 2013 _
     Bo was adopted. Lesley Burgess

Sender: Rachael Mitchell     Date: August 30, 2013 _
     Thanks for having this site to help people find dogs! We were able to relocate Pepper to a wonderful new home! It is perfect for her and she will continue to be loved!! She is even back for a visit, we are dog/niece sitting for the weekend. The new owners are wonderful enough to still let us continue to be in Pepper's life! Thanks again, The Mitchell's (Willie, Abbi, Rachael, & Mick)

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Sender: Brendaliz Echevarria     Date: August 28, 2013 _
     I had two Cocker Spaniels in need of a good home. Rescue Me! was a great tool to find a home for both of them. In a matter of days, I was able to meet great new families for my dogs. It was a hard process, nonetheless, I am happy because I know that both my dogs will be loved and well taken care of. I really appreciate this site and encourage people to use and donate to it. Thank you!!! Sincerely, Brendaliz

Sender: Sam Scully     Date: August 26, 2013 _
     Rescue Me! did assist with placing Teddy Obama of Hollywood. Teddy is now living with new owner who can afford to care and provide for him. We are most grateful that your service exists. Thank you, Jeff, and your web team. Lots of love from Hollywood! Sam, Jerry, and Storm

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Phyllis Vanboxtel     Date: August 9, 2013 _
     Thank you Jeff Gold and Rescue Me! Carmen got adopted through my posting on Rescue Me! What a great tool and service you provide to a large audience, so animals get a brighter chance to find what they deserve - a furever loving home.

Sender: Liz Braman     Date: August 4, 2013 _
     Hi Jeff. I found a home for my little Benny. I just adopted him out to a wonderful family. Thank you very much. Sincerely, Liz Braman

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Christine Josi     Date: July 16, 2013 _
     We found Bear on Rescue Me!, and it was instant love for us. We had searched shelters but had not found the right fit for us. Then I found Rescue Me!, and saw Bear. I called Janet and asked a lot of questions. We spoke for a few hours, and by the end of the conversation I just knew we wanted to be his forever home!!! We talked it over and decided to proceed. We filled out the application, and waited while we were thoroughly screened. Our vet was called, our references were called. Then we got the call. We met him today, and it was instant bonding! He is the sweetest most loveable gift ever! If you are thinking about it, just look into those eyes and do it! You will be blessed!!!! Thank you, Rescue Me!!! We've found another forever dog because of your site!!!

Sender: Pamela Munson     Date: July 15, 2013 _
     Both Cocker Spaniels were re-homed successfully yesterday, thanks to Rescue Me! Thanks so much, Pam

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Sender: Brittany Tompkins     Date: July 7, 2013 _
     Within a few hours of posting Chloe on the Rescue Me! website, I had multiple interested people in her. I was able to screen and pick the best home for her. This was a great resource for finding people truly interested in finding a dog to adopt.

Sender: Kimberly Culver     Date: June 29, 2013 _
     Rescue Me! is a great tool for finding a home for your pet. Easy to post, and respond to inquiries. Thanks for your help... we found Snickers a new family in just three days!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Karen Swope     Date: June 19, 2013 _
     Thank you so much for helping Buttercup find a wonderful forever home. The Rescue Me! posting sent me several caring and interested people for this special girl. I am so thankful.

Sender: Melanie Cunningham     Date: June 11, 2013 _
     Beauty's owners were found. She was very old and a little worse for wear but was really happy to be back home with them.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Becky Gloss     Date: April 27, 2013 _
     Ruby has found a forever home with new 'sisters'. I am happy that Rescue Me! was the means by which we were able to find Ruby a new family. She has a huge yard, plenty of playmates, tons of love and she is going to be a super spoiled princess that she deserved to be.

Sender: Sharlo Leonard     Date: April 24, 2013 _
     I put Cooper on Rescue Me! last night, rather late, and this morning I had an email from someone who lives almost 100 miles from here. They own a couple of cockers and they were ready to drive up and take him home. After a couple of phone calls, they jumped in their car, drove up here and took Cooper home... This was a hard day for me, but I know it was a good decision. Thank you so much for your services.

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Sender: Sallie Armstrong     Date: April 13, 2013 _
     Praise God! Curly was adopted into a loving rescue home where we know he will be safe and loved. Through Rescue Me!, I was contacted the next day.

Sender: Linda Cave     Date: April 10, 2013 _
     I was very happy to learn someone wanted 12 year old Fritz (now named Bear). The message said that this dog looked like the dog he had that died. This person lived in Mississippi, I live in Alabama. He traveled all the way here. Stayed overnight at a hotel and we met the next morning. He brought his 1 year old cocker mix to see how they would do. It was a match made in heaven - with a little help from Rescue Me! This is the third dog rescued from Rescue Me! The owner of 11 dogs died May 25, 2012, I have two left and I hope they have as happy a story as Fritz (now named Bear), Goldie, and Sampson. Thank you Jeff, for creating an easy to use rescue website that helps so, so many dogs find a new life, with someone to love them. ^._.^ *** I got an email from Bear's new dad (4-8-2013) it said: 'Bear is doing great. I wouldn't take nothing for him.' Bear now lives on a farm with a one year old, gold, Cocker-Mix named 'Girl', with chickens abd cows. And he will get to ride on a tractor with his new dad. The ultimate dream for any dog! These 2 are a perfect match. Thank you, Dannie, for rescuing this dog. I know Lynn Kenny is looking down on you from heaven with a big smile on his face.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Stacey Hedderman     Date: April 6, 2013 _
     Our Cocker Spaniel boy now has a home and our son will be allergy free. We will miss him, but it's made easier knowing that he is going to someone who will love him. It's also nice to know his new owners will send us updates on him too. Thank you.

Sender: Tandy Hubbard     Date: February 16, 2013 _
     My family found the most amazing new 'mommy' for our 8 year old Cocker Spaniel Anna. Just when I was convinced no one would give her a chance, we found a lovely college student who was specifically seeking out an adult Cocker Spaniel and has been wonderful to Anna! Though I was extremely sad to see her go (our 18 month daughter was getting all our attention and Anna was growing increasingly unhappy with us), I know in my heart that she is getting all the attention she wants and deserves now.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Barb Trent     Date: February 8, 2013 _
     Thank you for this wonderful, fast acting website. I had many wonderful emails from true dog lovers. Although I still grieve for my girl, I have no doubt she has a wonderful new Mom and Dad who love her as much as I. With tears, I say thank you so much!!!

Sender: Cathy Stevens     Date: February 7, 2013 _
     Thank you for helping me find our much loved family pet a new home. We could no longer provide for her and a shelter was never an option.

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Sender: Dawn Anderson     Date: January 13, 2013 _
     We had adopted an older cocker spaniel last year. Unfortunately, our work and family schedules changed and we were no longer able to stay home with Bailey as much as he wanted us to. It was obvious that he was lonely. While we didn't want to give him away to just anyone, we wanted to find a loving, forever home for him. Using Rescue Me! Bailey was adopted by a loving family within a few weeks. While I will miss him terribly, I am so happy that he has found someone to care for him. Thank you Rescue Me!

Sender: Darci F.     Date: January 8, 2013 _
     We have placed Beau in a forever home in Albuquerque, NM with a very loving family! This incredible couple was willing to fly up with their other dog to meet us, and then spend 20+ hours driving home with Beau. It has been incredibly difficult to let one of our family members go, yet we are very grateful for your site and the assistance it has provided us in placing him into an amazing home rather than to be euthanized at the pound. We will miss you terribly Beau, yet you will always have a place in our hearts! Good-bye sweet boy!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Dixie Moore     Date: January 5, 2013 _
     Thanks to you and Rescue Me! I found my Dutchess a wonderful new home. She has been adopted by Kim and Vincent. Now she has a good home with people she does not have to share with other pets. She really lucked out with these two and is very happy in her new home. Thank you so much for making this possible! I am confident its the best home for her and she will live a very happy long life with them. I am so happy I listed her on here and could not have asked for a better outcome. God bless and keep up the good work! Dixie

Sender: Shirley Whitehead     Date: November 29, 2012 _
     Thank you so much for helping me find Skye a new home. She has a new owner who is a fantastic guy and he loves her very much and most of all, she is happy. Once again, my sincere thanks. Shirley

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Hyatt Hood     Date: November 4, 2012 _
     Kippie was successfully adopted by a loving family in Birmingham, AL. Thanks for your help!

Sender: Robyn Fitzgerald     Date: October 30, 2012 _
     Caspian WAS adopted by a retired gentleman and his wife, and is living a FABULOUS life in San Francisco!!

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Sender: Anina Van Blommestein     Date: September 22, 2012 _
     Thanks to Rescue Me, Otto was adopted by a loving family. Rescue Me is a wonderful organization!

Sender: Megan H.     Date: August 17, 2012 _
     Rescue Me helped us find our dog an awesome new home that is able to give him the attention he needs.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: George Nutting     Date: August 12, 2012 _
     Within 3 days a loving woman adopted my two dogs.

Sender: Jessica Wright     Date: June 30, 2012 _
     I found an awesome family to adopt our Cocker Spaniel Cream using this website Rescue Me. Cream is going to live his life out now without going to a shelter. Although due to the situation after having him since he was a tiny puppy we are relocating. Give Rescue Me a try before making the pound their only destination. We will always love and miss our Cream Bow.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Anneli Coetzer     Date: June 27, 2012 _
     Hi I would like to thank everyone responding to this post! Elmo was adopted within 2 days by Deseree in Kempton park. She has indicated that he has settled in well with his new family and environment :-) Thank you for your assistance. Kind Regards, Anneli

Sender: Keyonta Wynn     Date: June 23, 2012 _
     I want to thank RescueMe.Org for letting me post my Cocker Spaniel Charlie on the website. He did find a great home with lots of love. I met the family for a few days and on the last day he was gone happily to his new home. Thanks again!!

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Sender: Laura Roberts     Date: May 27, 2012 _
     Benni has been moved around several times being older and having some health issues . Rescue Me got his story out and we had several offers to take Benni in. He is now safe and happy in his new home with his cats friends. Thank you Rescue Me.

Sender: Sue Britt     Date: May 17, 2012 _
     Shadow found the most ideal temporary-to-permanent home. His information on Rescue Me! was a great help in convincing another rescue group, dedicated to emotionally hurt animals, that he was worth taking in for final touches. He already has two families vying to give him a forever home, once his training is complete. Thank you Rescue Me!!!!!!

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Karin Smith     Date: May 8, 2012 _
     We are happy to announce Rescue Me helped us find a home for Kola, who was adopted by a lovely family with 3 kids and a fury friend. She has a pool and 2 acres to run around on! Even though our hearts are heavy, it gives us peace to know that she will be well taken care of and most of all loved by 3 kids! We have been in touch and hope to keep in touch to see her flourish with her new family. Thank you Rescue Me!

Sender: Jackie Nichols     Date: May 1, 2012 _
     Dakota was adopted by a family that is great! I THANK YOU FOR YOUR SITE!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Geoff Macknight     Date: May 1, 2012 _
     Hi Jeff, Using Rescue Me! Was easy, fun and quick. I received a dozen responses to Rani's adoption which was fantastic. The hardest thing I had to do was choose the right home. I thoroughly recommend Rescue Me! Thank you, Geoff MacKnight

Sender: Tabitha Darnell     Date: April 12, 2012 _
     We used this site to find our precious Zoi a home. It did not take long before we had numerous e-mails and messages concerning Zoi. Very shortly after posting her information a couple found us and Zoi found their hearts. She is settled into her new home and loving her new family. Zoi will always be special to us. We bless this site and Zoi's new family. Thank you!

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Candace Moore     Date: April 9, 2012 _
     Gracie found a new home within 2 weeks of being on Rescue Me! She found a loving family who had been looking for a cocker spaniel for a long time. I would recommend this site to anyone who needs a to find a great home for their cocker spaniel. Thanks! Candace Moore

Sender: Julie Herrick     Date: March 31, 2012 _
     Mason has found a good home. We will love Mason for life and he will be in our hearts and prayers.

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Julie Herrick     Date: March 31, 2012 _
     Remi found a very loving home. We will always have Remi in our hearts and prayers!

Sender: Pamela Merritt     Date: March 28, 2012 _
     I bought sweet Emme on March 3rd of this year. She was almost 4 months old ~ I bought her because my 8 year old Havanese was depressed since my mom passed away in January. However, my dog wanted nothing to do with Emme... I tried for 4 weeks for my Havanese to play with Emme, might have happened twice. I did not want to give Emme up ~ but, I didn't think it was fair for my older dog or for Emme who is so full of energy to not be happy with each other. A friend suggested I find a cocker spaniel rescue organization in my area so I did a search and found Rescue Me. Monday night I posted Emme's picture, all the details about her and on Tuesday morning I got an email... talked to the wonderful woman who's family wants to adopt her and Emme will have a new brother who is about 10 months old. It took one day... this is an incredible site and I am grateful for those who viewed my post ~ I will miss Emme so much but I have to think this is the right thing to do for Emme and she will have a loving family and a big brother who is still a puppy too. Thank you Rescue Me.

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Denise Hackl     Date: March 26, 2012 _
     Our cocker spaniel Drew found a home thanks to Rescue Me! - Denise Hackl

Sender: Lynn Ballard     Date: March 25, 2012 _
     Prince was adopted using 'Rescue Me'. Thank you for the site and all you do. Lynn

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: James Larue     Date: March 24, 2012 _
     Doyle was adopted by a very loving family that has two children. His new mom is an avid walker and Doyle is now getting the exercise that he needed. I keep in touch with his new adopted family and they said that he seemed a little depressed at first but he is now adjusting very nicely. We are all very grateful to RescueMe.Org for it's assistance. This was probably the toughest decisions we had to make as a family and we wanted to make sure Doyle went to a good home and he did. Thanks Jim

Sender: Rhonda Inglis     Date: March 12, 2012 _
     Hi Jeff, I am a dog groomer. The dog in question - Jack - had been a client of mine since he was 12 weeks old. The family had another older dog Simba, that they were going to euthanize, they had Simba for 11 years. They asked me to find a home for Jack as the dogs didn't fit their life style any more. I had exhausted my clientele list of possible homes, local vets, word of mouth and business facebook page so I googled Cocker spaniel rescue one evening out of desperation and up popped your site. I have been involved in a lot of rehoming of people's pets in the past but have always been lucky enough to find some one in our area, so this was a new experience for me. The advice and feedback offered on your site was fantastic and registering Jack was a breeze, then I nervously waited. Twenty four hours later the phone started ringing and emails started coming in - I was amazed and the best thing was, these people were Cocker spaniel people as Jack was a wild child that had never been given any boundaries or limitations in his 5 years of life. After some lengthy conversations with quite a few people one lovely lady stood out for me and she not only was happy to take Jack but also wanted to care for Simba, the older Cocker. I was beside myself with joy. We were able to meet and with in 3 days we had the dogs and all there belongings flown from one end of Australia to the other. Jack and Simba's new Mum emails regularly with updates on how they are going. So a huge thank you to your and your amazing service you provide. Kind regards, Rhonda Inglis

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Kimberly Rosario     Date: March 6, 2012 _
     Hi Jeff, Daisy got a wonderful home. I have to say I was skeptical that anything would even happen once I posted daisy on RescueMe.Org however, I was proven wrong because the very next morning I had this wonderful lady call that was so excited about daisy who just loves dogs. I felt bad because I had a lot of responses via e-mail interested in daisy and I had to tell them she was adopted already. I am thankful for you and your site caring and supporting homeless animals. I hurt for all the homeless, neglected, and abused animals out there. I'm only one person and can only do so much on a limited income, so I do what I can, and I pray for them, so god bless you, And all that are helping the animals. Kimberly Rosario-Elmore

Sender: Mary Strickland     Date: February 21, 2012 _
     Jeff, I've been on this site for a while searching for the best pet. We picked up Bella in Tallahassee on Saturday. She is the best dog. I've had a Cocker Spaniel before, who was hyper, but loving and adorable. Bella goes with the flow. She is very lovable. She is the best all around dog. Mary A. Strickland, RHIT Manager, ROI & File Room NFL/SG VHS

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Melissa     Date: February 14, 2012 _
     He was adopted a while back. A lady contacted me and asked about him. She drove from texas to see him. She has 2 already and brought them as well. Louie fell in love with all of them. Rescue me is the best website ever and I will definitely use this site again if I need to! Thank you so much for helping me put my baby into a loving home where I know he's well taken care of!! Me

Sender: Mary Foxall     Date: February 12, 2012 _
     Hi there Jeff, I am just writing to let you know that Bobby was actually adopted this afternoon to a very loving lady in the next town over from me. I can now relax as I know that Bobby is going to live out the remaining years of his life with the love and attention that he deserves. He is such an amazing dog and I am OVERWHELMED at the response I have had from very caring people all over Australia. One amazing lady was even willing to fly Bobby over to Western Australia!!!I will definitely make a donation to the Cocker Spaniel Rescue association. I am so happy that I stumbled upon this website, I really didn't think that I had many options in regards to who was going to care for Bobby, but everything has worked out. Thank you so much for your organization and thank you to everyone who was willing to take Bobby into your homes. Mary

Like this story? Help us help more animals: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Kari Schneider     Date: January 19, 2012 _
     Hello Jeff, I did find a home for my little girl Carly. I had put her on a few other sites with no bites. My mother in law said see if you can find any sites that deal with Cocker Spaniel's. When I did a search your site came up so I put up an ad and within one day I had a wonderful woman who wanted to have her. She came up this past Saturday and picked her up, it was hard to say good-bye but I have health issues that made it hard for me to care for her and give her what she needed. I have kept in contact with the new owner to see how Carly is handling being in a new home, she has said she seems a tad confused but is enjoy running around. Which was one thing I was lacking I lived in a condo. She has sent pictures and Carly looks like she's very happy. Makes me feel wonderful that someone with such a big heart has taken our girl and has given her such a wonderful place to live. Thank you so much for your site. Without it I have know idea where are girl would have ended up. Kari Schneider

Sender: Richard Pierce     Date: January 3, 2012 _
     Jeff: Buddy has been adopted. We found the 'Rescue Me' service to be helpful. Thanks for your help. Rick Pierce

Give a gift or make a memorial donation: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue
A beautiful full-color acknowledgement card will be mailed to the person of your choice within 24 hours.

Sender: Donna Sander     Date: December 19, 2011 _
     Dear Jeff, I wanted to let you know that your site was indeed very helpful. I already had three cocker spaniels but when i saw Lucky aka dublin my heart couldn't resist and i knew i had room for just one more...:)...Prince i purchased him at 7 weeks but Chance and Kody are also rescues. Lucky has been here for 2 days but if you have any advice on blind dogs i'd appreciate it. Again thank you donna and the boys

Sender: Patrick Wrehe     Date: December 8, 2011 _
     I am so sorry that I just now updated Thumper's profile that he has been adopted by a most wonderful family!!! He's spoiled rotten...walks, tempurpedic dog bed, goes to work with his 'parents' every day...much deserved by this sweet boy! Your site has brought much interest to wonderful dogs in desperate need of wonderful homes. I'm so thankful I found you...and that dearest Thumper has found true, unconditional love and happiness!

Millions of animals die each year in animal shelters. You can help stop this: Donate to Cocker Spaniel Rescue

Sender: Katie Ramirez     Date: November 11, 2011 _
     I did find a forever-home for Zoe. Your website was great, very user friendly. Rescue Me is a great way to list a pet for adoption without the harassment you can get from a website like Craig's List. Some people assume that you are irresponsible and selfish because you want to re-home an animal. What they don't understand is that sometimes it is in the best interest of the animal to go to a new home. I was very surprised in how quickly Zoe was adopted, and I feel very comfortable that she went to a loving forever-home. Thank you for your help.

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